Golden Grove Amateur Fishing

Community Announcement

Golden Grove Amateur Fishing Club acknowledges and thanks the City of Tea Tree Gully for the Community Grant of $700 to assist with the purchase of equipment – being 2 Gazebos, 4 Safety Vests and 15 Legionnaire Hats. The new equipment supports the club’s program of events to enhance safety and protection from the sun and inclement weather conditions.

Golden Grove Amateur Fishing (GGAF) is about giving all people opportunities to fish in a Christ centered environment. GGAF meet most months of the year at a wide range of shore based fishing spots in South Australia. Each year events also include a Fishing Tackle Night, an Annual Camp and an end of year Presentation Night.


MISSION STATEMENT: Giving all people opportunities to fish in a Christ centred environment.

ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP: - $20 SENIORS  - $ 5 JUNIORS (15 years and under)


2nd February (Sunday)       -    AGM 4pm - GGLPS Conference Room

8th February (Saturday)  –   Cockling - Goolwa 9 am

15th March (Saturday)         –   Crabbing - Webb Beach  10 am

6th April (Sunday)              -    Cadell-Claxton Reserve 10 am- 4 pm

3rd May (Saturday)           -     Normanville 10 am - 4 pm  

2nd June (Monday)         -    Spot On Tackle Night

27th June–30th June (Fri-Mon) –    Lake Bonney Caravan Park (Barmera) & Moorook

26th July (Saturday)     –   Ardrossan Jetty 10 am – 4 pm

31st August (Sunday)  -     West Lakes  9 am–2 pm

10th-12th October (Fri-Sun) – Annual Camp at Kingston On Murray Caravan Park

19th October (Sunday)      -   Community Fete 10.30am at GGLC/GGLPS

15th November (Saturday) -   Presentation Night at GGLC 6.30 pm

Note: Events and times may be subject to change

 “GGLPS” is Golden Grove Lutheran Primary School & “GGLC” is Golden Grove Lutheran Church at Cnr Sunnybrook & Richardson Drives, Wynn Vale



                                                - $  5 JUNIORS (15 years and under)

Membership entitles you to compete for prizes on fishing trips and discounts at the following fishing tackle store:

Spot On Tackle & Outdoors – Main North Road, Salisbury Plain


ALL PEOPLE WELCOME TO ATTEND – EVEN IF THEY DON’T FISH (Under 18 to be accompanied by parent or guardian)

GGAF MERCHANDISE is available for purchase in various forms:

Caps & Bucket Hats $15                    Polo Shirts $25

Sleeveless Jacket $40                     Can Holders $5

Badges (sew on type) Large $10, Small $7


President – Graeme Hoklas

Vice President – Peter Van Loggem

Secretary – Christine McCulloch

Treasurer – Chris Simanis

Other Committee Members – Ian Zimmermann, Geoff Hill, Keith Scott & Mark Caldicott

ENQUIRIES TO: Graeme Hoklas Phone: 0419 828 091


GGAF is a ChildSafe organisation, with “a commitment to the safety and protection of children”. (FamiliesSA,2007)