Ways to Serve

Greeting and Ushering

The first people many people see when they come to worship at Golden Grove Lutheran Church are the greeters/ushers.

The gift of welcoming/hospitality and a friendly disposition are great gifts to have for this role.

The greeter arrives at least 30 minutes before the beginning of worship to greet the worshippers. As we do when we are expecting guests, they turn on the urn and set up for morning tea.

As people arrive the greeters/ushers distribute the Weekly Bulletin (and welcome sheets), quiet bags and busy books to the children, other material available that morning as well as offering a Bible and can even show newcomers to a seat. They also control the air conditioning system.

During the service they take up the Offering (during which time they take the count of attendance), indicate when to attend Holy Communion and assist in whatever else is required.

And at the end of the service they farewell any people who need to leave immediately, help serve the morning tea and clean and tidy up after.

If you would like to join our greeter/ushers roster contact the GGLC office, office@gglc.org.au.


Some people are able to read to others well. We use this gift at Golden Grove Lutheran Church in the readings roster.

People who join this roster present the three Bible readings of the day (which had been sent to them earlier in the week) in a clear steady voice.

We expect that the reader would have prepared the reading before worship by reading the passages through, will inform the Pastor they are present on the day they are rostered and are prompt and reverent when approaching and leaving the lectern (where they present the readings).

If you would like to be on our readers roster contact the GGLC office, office@gglc.org.au

Music Groups

We have bands that play in rotation for the morning services and a band that plays for the Salt Factory service.

People who have the gift of playing a musical instrument or singing are encouraged to join one of these bands. (If people don’t feel very confident they are encouraged to be involved in one or two songs at first).

If you would like to know more please contact the GGLC office, office@gglc.org.au

Powerpoint and PA

For those people who are gifted in their use of IT, helping to run the “Powerpoint” presentation during the worship service, or controlling the sound system is a great way to serve the Lord: for and in worship.

If you would like to know more about this roster contact the GGLC office, office@gglc.org.au

Holy Communion Assistants


A very special responsibility is offered to the members of the congregation to assist Pastor in the distribution of Holy Communion.

The people on this roster arrive at least 30 minutes earlier than the beginning of worship to prayerfully and reverently set up communion on the Altar, then when are called forward by the Pastor, they distribute the wine as people come to their station. At the end of the service they clean up the communion vessels.

Those who volunteer to be in this position are instructed in how to assist with Holy Communion. Please see Pastor.


Another important roster in our worship is leading the General Prayer/ Prayer of the people.

The people on this roster prepare the prayers before worship keeping in mind congregational and community needs as well as world events.

As with the readers the people on this roster will let Pastor know when they arrive at church that they are rostered for that day.

Their prayers are often expressions of praise, thanks, corporate confession and requests. (It is a common practice for Pastor to pass on prayer requests for the General Prayer when appropriate. This may happen just prior to worship). We expect these prayers to be about 5 minutes in duration.

They take the microphone and approach the Altar when asked to do so promptly and reverently and after the prayer leave in like manner.

If you feel that God is calling you to be on the Prayer roster please contact Pastor.


Flowers declare the glory of God in a quiet and often powerful way and we use them at Golden Grove Lutheran Church in worship most Sundays (with the exception of Good Friday) on either side of the crucifix on the Altar.

If you have the gift of flower arranging and have access to flowers we encourage you to join this roster.

Please contact the GGLC office, office@gglc.org.au.

Church Cleaning


We encourage all families to be take a turn in cleaning the Worship Centre and Fellowship Centre.

Two families are rostered each fortnight (the week in between, the school cleaners are rostered).

The instructions of what is required is given to each family who joins the roster. It is a wonderful way to serve other members of the congregation by ensuring that the facilities are clean and tidy.

There is un-written law that whoever uses the facilities during the week leaves it in the condition they find it, but we still need to ensure that the facilities we use on a Sunday morning give glory to God too.

If you can help by joining this roster please contact the GGLC office, office@gglc.org.au.

Salt Factory Catering

Prior to our Salt Factory (Sunday evening) service we have a light community meal at 5.45pm. It is an opportunity to have some fellowship together over a meal before we worship.

This meal is catered for by the Connect Groups of the congregation on a rostered basis.

Meals have included pizzas, mornays, pastries, barbeques, salads, taccos, hotdogs, soup, rolls…

Groups use some of the donation for the meal to offset the cost (the rest is added to the offering for the evening service).

Members of the group arrive at least half an hour before the meal to set up the Fellowship Centre for the meal and then clean up usually before joining the rest of the congregation for worship.

Meals Ministry

Through sickness or accident or unexpected events in a family’s life, people may not have the opportunity to organize their meals.

So Golden Grove Lutheran Church has established a “food bank” of meals in the church’s kitchen.

This gives members of the congregation the opportunity to supply meals, (please mark the date on the plate of food you are putting in the freezer) receive a meal or be involved in distributing a meal to a family in need.

If you would like to be part of this ministry or find out more about it, please contact the GGLC office, office@gglc.org.au.

Children and Youth Ministries

Volunteers are always welcome to help in the many child and youth ministry programs at Golden Grove Lutheran Church, including:

  • Sunday Morning children's address and children's activities.
  • Wednesday Playgroup and Friday mainly music Playgroup.
  • Junior Youth

Volunteers are required to have the appropriate checks for working with children. Professional Standards training will be provided at no cost to volunteers. Please contact the GGLC office, office@gglc.org.au.
